“I’d been thinking about how faith works and how we need to put that faith into action. Wanting to learn firsthand, I asked God to show me how to have the kind of faith that leads me to do something out of the ordinary, trusting that good would come from it.
Soon after, I felt an unexplainable urge to give $20 to a coworker. I wasn’t sure who, and I knew they didn’t necessarily need the money themselves. But I also felt they might know someone who did. I started praying, asking God to reveal who I should give it to.
Suddenly, doubt crept in. Was this just my imagination, or was God really telling me to do this? But then I remembered that God works all things for good. It didn’t matter who I gave the money to, as long as I did it in faith. God would use it for His purposes.
More negative thoughts came – what if my coworker thinks I’m crazy or just pockets the money? I realized that was the enemy trying to stop me. I rebuked those doubts in Jesus’ name and immediately felt a sense of peace. And then I knew who I was supposed to give the money to.
During a break, I approached my coworker. ‘I know you don’t need this, but I feel like you know someone who does. Please use it for them as you see fit.’ After giving them the money, I went back to my desk. Just minutes later, they came over and told me about a family they knew who had just lost everything in a house fire. All I could say was, ‘God is good.'”
The Bible portrays faith in Jesus as more than just intellectual assent to a set of beliefs. It’s the foundation for a dynamic relationship with God, one that compels action. Here’s how faith translates into action and becomes a tool for God’s work:
- Trust and Reliance: Faith is trusting God completely, even when things are difficult. It’s relying on his promises and character, even when we can’t see the outcome (Hebrews 11:1). This trust translates into action because we believe God will equip and guide us as we move forward in his will.
- Obedience Fueled by Love: Faith isn’t just blind trust; it’s a response to God’s love revealed in Jesus (John 3:16). This love fuels obedience. The apostle John writes, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments” (John 14:15). Our actions demonstrate the genuineness of our faith.
- Partnership in God’s Work: The Bible is full of examples of ordinary people who accomplished extraordinary things through faith. Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt (Exodus 14), Gideon defeated a massive army (Judges 7), and David slew Goliath (1 Samuel 17). They all acted in faith, trusting God would use them for his purposes.
- Miracles and Growth: When we act in faith, God can use us in powerful ways. Jesus himself said, “Whoever believes in me will do the works I do, and even greater works, because I am going to the Father” (John 14:12). Through our faith-inspired actions, God spreads the message of his love, bringing people to him and growing his kingdom.
Here’s an analogy: Imagine faith as a seed. Beliefs are the nutrients in the soil. When watered by trust and love, the seed sprouts into action. This action, empowered by God, bears fruit that expands his kingdom.
What is True Faith?
Define Faith: Hebrews 11:1 (NIV) provides a foundation for understanding faith: “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”
Let’s break this down:
- Confidence: Faith isn’t wishful thinking. It’s an unwavering certainty based on our knowledge of who God is and what He has promised.
- What we hope for: Biblical faith centers on the promises of God. We’re not blindly trusting in vague outcomes; we hope in eternal life, salvation, healing, and the fulfillment of God’s purposes.
- Assurance about what we do not see: Faith is belief in the unseen. While we may not have tangible evidence for every aspect of God’s plan, we trust in His nature and track record.
Trust in God’s Character: True faith goes beyond intellectual belief in the existence of God. It’s a deep-seated trust in His goodness, faithfulness, power, and His love for us. We rely on who God is, not simply on what we know about Him.
Simple Belief vs. Deep-Rooted Faith:
- Simple belief is a mental acknowledgment of facts. A person might believe Jesus was a historical figure but not place their life and hope in Him.
- Deep-rooted faith is a transformative trust that impacts our decisions, priorities, and actions. It’s exemplified in James 2:17: “…faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” True faith isn’t static – it propels us to live in alignment with what we believe.
Why Isn’t Faith Alone Enough?
James on Dead Faith
James 2:14-17 (NIV) challenges the idea that mere intellectual assent to Christianity qualifies as saving faith: “What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? … faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.”
James uses a stark analogy. A living body naturally displays signs of life – breathing, movement, and growth. Similarly, true faith results in tangible demonstrations of God’s love and transformation in our lives.
Genuine Relationship with Christ
James isn’t suggesting we earn salvation through good works. Instead, he emphasizes that genuine faith is expressed through love and service to others. Faith and actions aren’t two separate categories, but intertwined expressions of a transformed heart. When we say we have faith in Jesus, it should impact how we:
- Treat others: Do we exhibit compassion, kindness, and generosity (Galatians 5:22-23)?
- View possessions and resources: Are we committed to using them for God’s purposes rather than our own (Matthew 6:19-21)?
- Respond to life’s challenges: Do we face trials with trust in God’s goodness, or do we succumb to despair (Romans 8:28)?
Consider these questions:
- Are there areas of your life where your actions don’t align with your professed faith?
- Do you view faith as primarily a private matter, or does it shape how you interact with your community and the world?
Faith-Fueled Action Throughout History
Biblical Examples: The Bible is filled with stories of faith propelling action and God’s extraordinary response:
- Abraham’s obedience (Genesis 12:1-4): He left homeland and family based solely on God’s promise, demonstrating unwavering trust.
- Moses parting the Red Sea (Exodus 14): Faced with an unbeatable obstacle, Moses raised his staff in faith, and God miraculously intervened.
- Rahab’s courage (Joshua 2): Risking her life, she hid Israelite spies, believing in their God. Her faith-filled choice saved her family.
- The growth of the early church (Acts): Empowered by the Holy Spirit, ordinary believers boldly shared the Gospel, and despite persecution, the church flourished.
Modern-Day Impact: Let’s revisit my opening story to illustrate how God works through everyday faith:
“Recently, I wanted to experience the connection between faith and action. I prayed, ‘God, show me what it means to have the kind of faith that moves me to step out in the extraordinary, trusting you’ll do good.’ Soon after, I felt strongly compelled to give $20 to a coworker. It wasn’t about the money; I just sensed they might know someone in need.
Doubts crept in. Was this really God, or my imagination? Yet, I recalled God’s perfect goodness. This wasn’t about who got the money – it was about acting in faith. More doubt came, but I rebuked it knowing the enemy wants to derail acts of faith. Peace washed over me and I immediately knew who the recipient should be
Overcoming Obstacles to Faith-Driven Action
Acknowledge Doubts: Moments of excitement about God’s leading are often quickly followed by doubts: “Am I really hearing from God? What if I mess up? People will think I’m crazy!” Remember, even in my $20 story, those same doubts crept in. It’s completely normal!
The Power of Choice: The beautiful thing is, we have a choice. We can let those doubts paralyze us, or we can remember God’s promises and align ourselves with His will. Scripture repeatedly encourages us to act in boldness:
- “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)
- “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5)
Rebuking Fear: When the enemy of our souls tries to fill our minds with fear and uncertainty, we need to do as I did in my story – rebuke those thoughts in the name of Jesus. Fear holds us back, while faith propels us forward. We must choose faith.
Faith in Jesus isn’t just a set of beliefs; it’s a dynamic force that compels us to act. When we trust God, relying on His character and promises, our faith is put into motion. It transforms us from the inside out and has ripple effects throughout the world
- Identify: What’s one area of your life where you sense God might be calling you to step out in faith? Is it reaching out to a neighbor, volunteering your time, starting a conversation about Jesus, or maybe even trusting God with your finances in a new way?
- Seek: Prayerfully seek God’s specific guidance on how to take that faith-filled step. What’s the first action He might have you take in obedience?
It’s easy to underestimate the power of small acts of obedience done in faith. However, God delights to use even the simplest acts to transform lives and advance His kingdom. May we all be people who say “yes” to His leading, trusting that He will use our faith in extraordinary ways!
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